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Bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keiko ho
(Bokuto Application for Kendo Fundamental Technique Practice)

By All Japan Kendo Federation


1) To teach beginners and students of 2 Dan and below that the basis of kendo is to cut with a blade.

2) To show that the Kihon Kata can be applied to techniques. To make it easier to learn


3) To make it easier to learn Kendo Kata.


Same as for Kendo Kata, with different terminology for the two roles. Where Kendo Kata has the Uchidachi and Shidachi, the equivalents for BKKK are Motodachi (receiver) and Kakarite (attacker).

Motodachi and Kakarite are 9 steps apart. Just as in Kendo Kata, the two would

advance 3 steps to meet at Issoku Itto no Maai (One-step one-strike distance), and retreat 5 steps at the end of each Kata.

Standing Posture: Chudan no Kamae (Central fighting stance)

Eye: Maintain eye contact with partner

Strike: Strike target with Monouchi, squeezing the grip and with one breath.

Foot movement: Begin Okuriashi and strike with Suriashi.

Voice: Kakarite calls out intended target loudly: Kote, Men, Do, or Tsuki.

Zanshin: After each strike, Kakarite would take a small step back and Zanshin strongly

from Chudan no Kamae position.

Kihon 1: "Ippon-Uchi-No-Waza" (1-step techniques in response to changes in the opponent's Kensen (tip of the sword)) - Men, Kote, Do, Tsuki

Motodachi: Opens Kensen slightly to the upper-right.

Kakarite: Steps in to hit Men. Takes one small step back to Zanshin, and another step

to return to the original position.

Motodachi: Raises Kensen slightly to the upper-left.

Kakarite: Steps in to hit Kote. Takes one small step back to Zanshin, and another step

to return to the original position.

Motodachi: Opens by raising both arms above the eyes.

Kakarite: Steps in straight to hit Do. Takes one small step back to Zanshin, and

another step to return to the original position.

Motodachi: Opens by dropping the Kensen to the lower-right corner

Kakarite: Steps in to thrust Tsuki, and pulls back slightly.

Motodachi: Takes one step back simultaneously.

Kakarite: Takes one small step back to Zanshin, and another step to return to

the original position.

Motodachi: Joins in by taking one step forward at the same time as Kakarite’s second


Kihon 2: "Renzoku-Waza" (2 or 3-step techniques, Continuous attacking) – Kote Men

Motodachi: Raises Kensaki first slightly to the upper-left, then taking one step back

opening slightly to the upper-right.

Kakarite: Steps in to hit Kote and takes another step to hit Men. Takes one

small step back to Zanshin, and another two steps to return to the original position.

Motodachi: joins in by taking one step forward at the same time as Kakarite’s last (3rd) step.

Kihon 3: "Harai-Waza" (Striking after deflecting the opponent's sword and breaking the opponent's stance) – Harai Men

Kakarite: Takes one step to execute Harai (deflecting the opponent's Bokuto)and strike Men. Then takes one small step back to Zanshin, and another step to return to the original position.

Kihon 4: "Hiki-Waza" (Strike from Tai-Atari (tackle) or Tuba-Zeriai to execute an attack while retreating) – (Men Taiatari) Hiki Do

Kakarite hits Men.

Motodachi blocks. The arms of both people are at about shoulder height.

Both take half a step in and lower the hands into a Tsubazeriai position.

Kakarite pushes down , and Motodashi reacts by raising the arms above the head.

Kakarite takes one step straight back to hit Do, then a small step back to zanshin. Both

take one step back and assume Chudan no Kamae position.

Kihon 5: "Nuki-Waza" (Counter-attack when the opponent's movement has come to an end after avoiding the opponent's attack, causing the opponent to swing through air) – Men Nuki Do

Motodachi hits Men.

Kakarite steps forward and slightly to the right and hits Nuki Do, maintaining eye

contact throughout the entire time. After striking, Kakarite turns around to face Motodachi.

Both take one step back and maintain Chudan no Kamae position, Kakarite showing

Zanshin, and both stepping to rotate to their original positions.

Kihon 6: "Suri-Age-Waza" (Counter-strike after parrying the opponent's attack using the left side or right side of the sword to create an opening) – Kote Suriage Men

Motodachi steps forward to hit Kote.

Kakarite steps back to perform Suriage, and immediately steps forward to hit

Men. Kakarite demonstrates Zanshin. Then, both sides take one step to return to the original position.

Kihon 7: "Debana-Waza" (Strike at the moment an opponent starts an attack) – Debana Kote

Motodachi moves his/her foot slightly forward and raises Kensaki slightly to the upper-left in a gesture to hit Men.

Kakarite immediately steps forward to hit small Kote sharply. Then takes one small

step back to Zanshin, and another step to return to the original position.

Kihon 8: "Kaeshi-Waza" (Counter-strike against the opponent's strike by parrying the opponent's strike while moving out of the way. The strike will be made on the side opposite to that of the parry.) – Men Kaeshi Do

Motodachi steps forward to hit Men.

Kakarite moves forward to block and immediately steps forward to the right and

hits Kaeshi Do, maintaining eye contact throughout the entire time. After striking, Kakarite

turns around to face Motodachi.

Both take one step back and maintain Chudan no Kamae position, Kakarite showing

Zanshin, and both stepping to rotate to their original positions.

Kihon 9: "Uchiotoshi-Waza" (Strike the target after striking the attacker's sword down) – Do Uchiotoshi Men

Motodachi steps directly forward to hit Do.

Kakarite takes one step backward to the left and, using the Monouchi portion of his

blade, cuts down on Motodachi’s Bokuto, then one step forward to hit Motodachi’s Men.

Both take one step back and maintain Chudan no Kamae position, Kakarite showing

Zanshin, and both stepping to rotate to their original positions.

At the completion of the 9 kata, both sides Sonkyo and take 5 steps back, the Reiho being same as for Kendo Kata.

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The above video is produced and published by  A complete, well-made instruction video going through all of the details on how to perform Bokuto Kihon Ho.